In this example we ask VerbaGPT to produce a plot. We use a comma-separate-value (csv) data source, and use the well known “Abalone” dataset 1. This dataset has a column called Rings, which is a proxy for the age of Aabalones (a type of mollusk).
User question: give me a histogram for rings, color it purple
VerbaGPT response:
Cost of query: $0.00

VerbaGPT answered the question correctly, along with a helpful option to save the plot to an image file on disk (which the user can later use for presentations, reports, etc.)
VerbaGPT also produces editable code that can be reviewed and executed. See below.
VerbaGPT Message Window
In addition to producing the chart, VerbaGPT also provides the user with the following (editable) code. If the user chooses to, they can edit the code before hitting execute button, or simply hit execute without editing the code to produce the image shown above.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.hist(df['Rings'], color='purple')
plt.title('Histogram of Rings')
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